Posts tagged ‘self improvement’

Brandt Ronat extends creativity to Wyoming

“Facing a daunting challenge as outlined by the criteria for the single grant-year cycle—with Brandt Ronat & Company by my side providing the marketing strategies and implementation–we grew and took CLIMB WYOMING programs statewide. The work they did with us, as partners in spirit and in dedicated daily effort, was a significant success. This effort… Continue reading…

Find Your Focus in the New Year

THE NEW YEAR IS QUICKLY APPROACHING. ALONG WITH IT ARE MILLIONS OF SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS RESOLVING TO MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES IN THEIR COMPANIES. Too often, those resolutions are a quick list with general items, like: ‘Contact current customers’ or ‘Run ad in newspaper’. Unfortunately, these good intentions dissipate into nothing more than a memory by… Continue reading…

Applications in Tight Rope Walking

ADVERTISING CAREERS CAN BE SO SEXY. THE LURE OF LIFE-LONG LEARNING, CHALLENGES TO HURDLE, THE SIZZLE OF A PITCH, THE ADORATION OF RAVING CLIENTS…ah, before you know it you are in love. However, this dynamic seducer is no easy lover. The rules change all of the time and keeping up means staying ahead of the… Continue reading…