Posts tagged ‘linda brandt’

The Many Forms of Branding

Branding or rebranding can take on many forms, but it should always be: > strategic > focused > long-term > multi-targeted > and fine-tuned along the way. Space Foundation of Colorado Springs, Washington D.C. and Florida For example, for our client Space Foundation (since 2000) we have contributed to several brand… Continue reading…

Honoring Imagination

SOMETHING WONDERFUL HAPPENED RECENTLY WHICH SUPPORTS THE VERY CORE OF CHILDHOOD AND ENCOURAGES THE CREATIVE KID IN ALL OF US. Honored by the Strong Museum of Play, Rochester, N.Y., and inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame, was a singularly imaginative toy, a time-honored plaything that speeds imagination on many flights across the breadth… Continue reading…

Cocktail Napkins

MANY GOOD IDEAS BEGIN ON COCKTAIL NAPKINS, YES…THEY REALLY DO. But the same thing occurs on torn scraps of paper, sticky notes, backs of envelopes and the margins of a magazine. Maybe it has something to do with free time—that is, time to spend at least not in the hot pursuit of your primary duties—time… Continue reading…

A healthy creative class

THIS ARTICLE TALKS ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CREATIVE CLASS in developing thriving communities, and includes a discussion of what it takes to truly “connect” and retain young talent (YPs) in a region. (Article first APPEARED IN THE AUGUST 2008 ISSUE OF “SPACECOAST BUSINESS”.) “Now it is the intrinsically human ability to create new ideas,… Continue reading…

Linda Brandt Wins Silver Medal Award

The following is from the Space Coast Advertising Federation press release: Cocoa Beach, Fla. During the Space Coast Advertising Federation’s (SCAF) Annual ADDY Awards Banquet, held Sat. March 1 at the Cocoa Beach Hilton, a Silver Medal was awarded to long-time AdFed member Linda S. Brandt. The AAF’s prestigious Silver Medal Award program was established… Continue reading…