Posts tagged ‘in the news’


(Merritt Island) The marketing solutions firm, brandt ronat + co (br+c) has been busy in 2013, helping clients embrace the need to communicate with their customers more effectively using digital delivery methods. The world is on the web and Facebook and LinkedIn and using not only desktops and laptops, but iPads, iPhones, Android devices, Nooks,… Continue reading…


(MERRITT ISLAND) brandt ronat + company (br+c), a marketing solutions firm, has delivered The Space Report 2013: An Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity for Space Foundation of Colorado Springs and Washington, D.C.  This is the 7th consecutive Space Report for which br+c has… Continue reading…

Brandt Ronat named as one of the 100 most admired entrepreneurial businesses

By Space Coast Business Magazine-March 2013. We are honored to be a part of this impressive list of businesses on the Space Coast.

Tourism Officials Tout Brevard’s “Hidden Gems”

Written by Dave Berman FLORIDA TODAY Local tourism leaders are poised to unveil a new strategy to boost their industry — promoting what they are calling the “Hidden Gems of the Space Coast.” The campaign, which has been 1½ years in the making, centers on a new website… Continue reading…

Florida court rules against debt-collection efforts on social media

A Florida court has ruled that a debt collector cannot use social networks to contact a debtor or her contacts. The plaintiff said MarkOne Financial representatives used Facebook to contact her friends as part of a larger campaign to get her to pay her bills; her harassment suit against MarkOne is still pending. “It’s dangerous… Continue reading…

Florida Today Columnist Writes About Art of Sand Corporate Challenge Experience

Suzy Fleming Leonard, part of Florida Today’s Corporate Challenge for the Art of Sand Festival, recently recounted her team’s experience in the newspaper. It was an unlikely grouping of co-workers, gathered much too early on a Saturday morning in what usually is an empty field in Cape Canaveral. Our task: Create a sand… Continue reading…

Starbucks Goes Native

Starbucks recently revealed that they’re retooling several stores in the style of an independent coffeehouse. Little changes like serving alcohol, hosting live performances…and removal of all connections with Starbucks. That’s right, the most successful coffee chain in history is voluntarily unbranding three locations, with more to come if this limited test works. It’s not as… Continue reading…

The Space Report Is Featured in SatMagazine

Here on the Space Coast our namesake industry is always on our minds. It’s a huge part of our economy and a large part of our identity. But the space industry is becoming increasingly global—a phenomenon the Space Foundation documents in their important annual publication, The Space Report. These are works of substantial impact in… Continue reading…

Linda Brandt featured in Space Coast Business magazine

THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT LINDA HAS BECOME A FORCE in the business community of Brevard County over the years. Here’s your chance to read a little of her history and find out a few personal details that may surprise you.