The Many Forms of Branding
Branding or rebranding can take on many forms, but it should always be:
> strategic > focused > long-term > multi-targeted > and fine-tuned along the way.
Space Foundation of Colorado Springs, Washington D.C. and Florida
For example, for our client Space Foundation (since 2000) we have contributed to several brand building initiatives of significance to them over the years:
Starting in the first year of this relationship, we helped leadership revamp the approach to marketing National Space Symposium, now considered to be the world’s premier gathering of commercial, civil, military and academic space professionals.
By rethinking theme development, graphics, promotional collateral, advertising, attendee recruitment methods, web-based functions, on-site branding, participant wayfinding, event dynamics, staging, sponsorship fulfillment, exhibit hall messaging and materials, and on-site next-symposium sponsorship and attendee recruitment, we upgraded the conference. Over the first few years of this relationship, we refined the “elections” to help hone strategic parts of this annual event, while creating theme and mechanisms for a second differently-focused symposium, Strategic Space, and for an international conference in France.
Over the next few seasons, we helped the Space Foundation with various initiatives including Think Space and Space in the Classroom campaigns, to promote core missions and teacher education programs.
Much of this included the movement of people across the country for special events, multi-day stays, summer schools and to cause advanced commitment to scheduling, hotels, and other area expenditures–creating total marketing packages to fit specifically-defined target audiences and drive enough excitement to make them well-attended and profitable.
We have a long-term relationship with Space Foundation, doing exemplary work. They could pick from any firm from anywhere in the country to provide these kinds of services.
We’re proud of the capabilities of this firm. b r + c is quite different than the average “agency.” We are not just an advertising agency. We are not just a design firm. We are a brand identification, brand development, brand nurturing firm with a great capacity for targeting creative of great impact. What we are requires the ability to provide and review research, analyze in a meaningful way and develop from that the word messages and the visual messages that resonate. It is a pinpoint kind of development that puts the thinking up front and eliminates much wasted work. With attention to analytical first steps, dialogue with stakeholders, coalition building and strategic focus before execution, we have gained the trust of clients—especially those who want to see more dynamic creative with better strategic vision at the top of the development cycle to help guide decisions and budgets.
We have also developed for Space Foundation, most recently, global positioning communication pieces that required the best of what we offer in the research analysis arena, to drive the right kind of messages that drive the right kind of attention to this organization. This latest effort, for their Washington, D.C. Research & Analysis division—helping with the content development, design and editing, imagery research and development, production and other qualitative recommendations through to delivery of perfect-bound book, web extracts, complete e-book, and searchable CD Rom for The Space Report: An Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity. We also produced The Case for Space, a critical collateral piece to inspire people about space exploration today.
The Space Report: An Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity (1 & 2)
and The Case For Space
The Space Foundation examples illustrate:
>Strategic rebranding of a major multi-day national annual event
>Strategic handling of highly complex development
-Through Integration of theme across a wide array of demands
-With flawless execution
-Across a smart mix of advertising and promotional elections
-to a highly targeted audience
>and finally, and most important, this shows a branding effort that evolved with great success.
brandt ronat + company is a marketing solutions firm known for creating brand strategies and high-value message development, sustainable communications and advertising systems for clients in space and technology, health and wellness, the financial services industry, community infrastructure, real estate development and retail. Clients include Brevard Workforce, the Economic Development Commission of Florida's Space Coast, Community Credit Union of Florida, Growth Innovators, Space Coast Health Foundation, Federated Precision, Gatto's Tires & Auto Service, Florida Space Day Committee, Lawler Centre for Cosmetic Surgery, University of Central Florida, Brevard Schools Foundation, Essentials Spa, Space Coast Office of Tourism and Space Foundation (located in Colorado, Florida and Washington, D.C.).