Placing a Distinct View on an Existing Brand
Aging Matters in Brevard
In 2010 we were engaged by Community Services Council to support a board lead strategic initiative to change the name and reposition/rebrand the organization. This was a methodical, grounded and well led effort involving many collaborators and partners. Brandt Ronat conducted stakeholder interviews, site visits, competitor research and national benchmark research as part of the project.
in 1965 Community Services Council (CSC) was founded as a planning organization within Brevard but had long since shifted its focus to become what is now the lead senior services agency and one of the largest nonprofits within the county. The name Community Services Council no longer represented the mission of the organization or communicated that mission properly to its large audiences of volunteers, clients, stakeholders, supporters and leadership. This misalignment of name to mission was seen over many years of one-on-one communications and presentations given by the agency and leadership. The agency was known more by a service they provided (Meals on Wheels) v. the brand credit they deserved of an agency that provides a diverse wealth of senior based services in the community.
Brandt Ronat developed the new name ‘Aging Matters in Brevard’, brand/positioning and primary applications (Web, Collateral, Print, Service Marks, Signage, Billboard).
Attributes of the name/ brand/solution
- Changed the name
- Changed the look
- Changed information delivery
- Strong and resilient
- Well directed at authentic attributes
- Resonate as regards human issues
- Radiates caring
- Well constructed solution
- Handles any new complexity
- Differentiated and directed
- For people as users and supporters and those part of the system of delivery
- Faster: 1/4 sec understanding and quickly closer to understanding the org, the offers
- Stopped loss of recall at the gate (first view)
- Has a system of names within it, allied but divergent
- Made an immediate difference
- Moved the organization forward
- Resulted in a clear and understood guide for sustaining and for growing
- Made the purposes of the org immediately clear
- Created better conversations directed to the realities about the offers and the needs, the asks
- Straight line clarity
- Empowered organization and leadership
- Captures brand credit of the organization aligned with all of the different services provided within the community
Now going into the 4th year since the name change, Brandt Ronat continues to support the organization through board leadership and participation, chairing of the mission advancement committee and participation in the Passport to Wines committee which is the annual fundraising event put on by the organization.
We have seen and participated first hand in the growth and savvy of marketing and communicating for this organization. While we certainly can’t take credit for the organization successes over these past 4 years, as this is a team effort of many collaborators, we can point to victories.
In sponsorships and donations to Passport to Wines this year, we can document that the annual fundraising event has grown into a wider-based demographic of community support, participation and return grossing more than $100,000 in April from this event.