“Brandt Ronat continues to find ways to grow our circle of influence”
“The City of Titusville has been working in conjunction with the Titusville Chamber of Commerce on building a more robust message engine in the Launch from Here Coalition produced by Brandt Ronat.
Brandt Ronat has consistently worked with the City to include a successful new growth ad showing the amazing new business starts and capital investment coming to North Brevard telling our compelling story through maps and infographics. It’s a powerful message that conveys the economic success of North Brevard. The City has embraced the coalition in our Titusville Talking Points, brochures, bumper stickers, power point templates, presentation folders and more to come.
Brandt Ronat continues to find ways to grow our circle of influence and find ways to share our consistent message with our Partners to include the EDC of Florida’s Space Coast, North Brevard Economic Development Zone, Titusville Chamber of Commerce, Greater Titusville Renaissance, Inc., Space Coast Regional Airport.
One powerful voice, Titusville Launch From Here!”
Edyie McCall
Economic Development Director
City of Titusville