Author archive for Jay Decator

Navigating the Media Marketplace

Brandt Ronat + Company is launching a special service line: Media Budget Consultation/Review and Recommendation. In the community, we have many conversations with business people. Some of them are already our clients, but more often than not, these people are business colleagues, acquaintances and friends. They are business people focused on the day-to-day operations of… Continue reading…

The Space Report Is Featured in SatMagazine

Here on the Space Coast our namesake industry is always on our minds. It’s a huge part of our economy and a large part of our identity. But the space industry is becoming increasingly global—a phenomenon the Space Foundation documents in their important annual publication, The Space Report. These are works of substantial impact in… Continue reading…

brandt ronat + co Wins Best of Campaign at ADDYs

(March 2009) At the annual ADDY Awards, presented by The American Advertising Federation – Space Coast, brandt ronat + co and the FLORIDA TODAY Features Department were honored with the Best of Campaign award for the Fall for the Arts Campaign created for the Brevard Cultural Alliance. br+c was also recognized with fifteen other awards,… Continue reading…

Social Media Eases Hospital Crisis Communication

THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE QUICKLY DURING A CRISIS IS A NECESSITY FOR HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS. As social media quickly gains critical mass in the marketplace, healthcare organizations are reaching out to their audiences to talk to them where they naturally congregate. An article from “Health Leaders Media” covers how Innovis Health, a hospital in Fargo, SD,… Continue reading…

Linda Brandt featured in Space Coast Business magazine

THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT LINDA HAS BECOME A FORCE in the business community of Brevard County over the years. Here’s your chance to read a little of her history and find out a few personal details that may surprise you.

The Many Forms of Branding

Branding or rebranding can take on many forms, but it should always be: > strategic > focused > long-term > multi-targeted > and fine-tuned along the way. Space Foundation of Colorado Springs, Washington D.C. and Florida For example, for our client Space Foundation (since 2000) we have contributed to several brand… Continue reading…

Brandt Ronat Now Equipped to Deliver High Quality Web Video from Start to Finish

Brandt Ronat + Company has made a leap forward in terms of video production for the web with the addition of a Sony PMW-EX1 high-definition camcorder. “This is an impressive video tool. If our clients need professional video for the web, then we have everything necessary to make an excellent product, right here,” Bill Ronat… Continue reading…

Found Love

Guerrilla Sunshine-Spreading The ‘I Love You’ Project On a most recent jaunt at, i found some love…. “Feeling in need of some love and kindness? Write “I Love You” on a piece of paper and make as many rip and tear bits at the bottom as you can fit onto the page. Then… Continue reading…

This company wants to change the way you look at cars.

I READ ABOUT THIS COMPANY IN WIRED MAGAZINE. HOW ARE THEY DIFFERENT? THEY DON’T WANT TO SELL YOU AN ELECTRIC CAR. THEY WANT TO SELL YOU MILES. The company is called Better Place and their plan is to put in an infrastructure of stations where you can swap out your battery if you are on… Continue reading…

Find Your Focus in the New Year

THE NEW YEAR IS QUICKLY APPROACHING. ALONG WITH IT ARE MILLIONS OF SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS RESOLVING TO MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES IN THEIR COMPANIES. Too often, those resolutions are a quick list with general items, like: ‘Contact current customers’ or ‘Run ad in newspaper’. Unfortunately, these good intentions dissipate into nothing more than a memory by… Continue reading…