Archive for September, 2008

Comics that Communicate

DO PICTURES REALLY COMMUNICATE BETTER? For hundreds of new Chrome users, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’. Google released its new web browser ‘Chrome’ last week, complete with a comic book to illustrate the launch. Being married to an engineer, I have a special soft spot in my heart for the more technically… Continue reading…

Common Video Shooting Mistakes

I STARTED MY CAREER LONG AGO (OH, SO LONG AGO) AS A PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHER (using an RCA TK-76, for you video historians in the crowd). It was big, it was heavy, you had to white balance just right to get the colors you wanted. These days, a video camera weighing a couple of ounces that… Continue reading…

Julian Bennett of Brandt Ronat Wins Google Lunar X PRIZE T-Shirt Design Competition

Julian Bennett, a senior designer at Brandt Ronat + Company, spends a lot of time thinking about space. He has accomplished extensive work for the Space Foundation, including the design of The Space Report: the Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity (2006 and 2008). He lives on the Space Coast of Florida and some people… Continue reading…

Give Print A Chance

TOUCHY. FEELY. In this day and age, it’s nice to know some people still believe in the printing process. Paper vs. Electronic. As an old school gal, I’ve always found comfort in holding the printed piece. The feel of the paper, the smell of the inks fresh off the press, not having to search through… Continue reading…