The Space Report 2013: The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity
The Space Report: An Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity is a globally respected academic book on the impact (economic and other) of the international space enterprise.
We helped the Space Foundation develop the blueprint (or inaugural edition) of this global positioning communication document in 2006. This effort, for Space Foundation’s D.C. Research & Analysis division—helping with the content development through research and creative, design and editing, imagery development, production and other qualitative recommendations through to delivery of a perfect-bound book, web extracts, complete e-book, and searchable CD Rom—required the best we offer in the analysis and development arenas, to drive the right kind of messages in the right kind of vehicle to drive the right kind of attention to this subject and this organization.
The Space Report is a five-month intensive effort that brings together industry analysts, peer experts, financial investment specialists, academics, editors, writers, researchers and designers.
A Space and Aerospace History
We have a long history with Space Foundation, first serving on the team rebranding National Space Symposium in 2000, subsequently helping to inaugurate Strategic Space Symposium, working with the educational division on Space in the Classroom and other projects, developing The Case for Space (a critical collateral piece to inspire people about space exploration), and serving on the core development team for the Coalition for Space Exploration during a critical political period.
Additionally, we have assisted Space Florida with rebranding and visioning efforts and continue to serve the Florida Space Day committee.
Brandt Ronat + Company
Marketing | Advertising Agency ‘Communicate Better’
Serving the Space Coast, Melbourne, Merritt Island, Palm Bay, Viera, Brevard, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Boca Raton and Miami, FL in addition to Colorado, Washington DC, Georgia, Wyoming and surrounding areas.